Online discussion sessions 2025
During the year 2025, the Belgian Center for Company Law again organises a series of online discussion sessions. So far, the following sessions have been scheduled:
- “Overdracht van significante activa”, introduction by Tom Vos, Friday 21 March 2021, 5PM – 6PM.
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*Non-members’ participation requires the payment of a fee of 25 euros per session.
Online discussion sessions 2023-2024
During the 2023-2024 academic year, the Belgian Center for Company Law again organises a series of online discussion sessions. So far, the following sessions have been scheduled until the end of 2023:
- “Cash pooling en de bijzondere risico’s voor vennootschapsschuldeisers, bekeken vanuit het perspectief van bestuurders- en aandeelhoudersaansprakelijkheid”, introduction by Louis De Meulemeester, 27 October, 5PM – 6PM.
- “Say on Pay: waarover en hoe stemmen aandeelhouders?”, introduction by Christoph Van der Elst, 17 November, 5PM – 6PM.
- “De naakte cijfers over dubbel stemrecht op de Brusselse beurs: tijd om eerlijk te zijn met onszelf?”, introduction by Jeroen Delvoie, 15 December, 5PM – 6PM
- “De positie van kapitaalhouders in het reorganisatieplan”, introduction by Dominique De Marez, 23 februari, 5PM – 6PM.
- “Climate litigation tegen private ondernemingen”, introduction by Hans De Wulf, 15 March, 5PM – 6PM.
- “Liquidation v. faillite : les Deux corps du Roy », introduction by Roman Aydogdu, 19 April, 5PM – 6PM.
- “De rol van ESG in het vennootschapsleven”, introduction by Sofie Cools, 3 May, 5PM – 6PM.
- “Greenwashing in de financiële sector”, introduction by Veerle Colaert, Friday 18 October 2024, 5PM – 6PM.
- “Compliance en de-risking“, introduction by Niels Appermont and Thomas Incalza, Friday 15 November 2024, 5PM – 6PM.
- “De zaak Shell: een eerste (collectieve) analyse” (in cooperation with Corporate Finance Lab), introduction by Arie Van Hoe and with presence of Harm-Jan de Kluiver, Hans De Wulf, Koen Geens, Stefanie François and Pieter Gillaerts, Monday 18 November 2024, 7PM-8.30PM (free also for non-members).
- “Vennootschapsrecht en de redding van onze planeet: waarop zetten we in?”, introduction by Marieke Wyckaert, 17 May, 5PM – 6PM – postponed to 20 December 2024
*Non-members’ participation requires the payment of a fee of 10 euros per session.
Online seminar: Mobility Directive
On 22 December 2023 (4 to 6 PM), the Belgian Centre for Company Law organises an online seminar on the implementation of directive 2019/2121, with presentations by Kristof Maresceau and Felix Dobbelaere and a response by Fabrice Mourlon Beernaert. Register by clicking here.
*Non-members’ participation requires the payment of a fee of 10 euros.
PhD Seminar 2023
On 25 April 2023, the Belgian Centre for Company Law organized its third PhD Seminar at the KU Leuven Campus Brussels. Five PhD researchers and recent PhD’s presented their research, followed by interesting and stimulating discussions fueled by the interventions of five respondents. Some photos of the seminar can be found below.
Online discussion sessions 2022-2023
During the 2022-2023 academic year, the Belgian Center for Company Law again organises a series of online discussion sessions. So far, the following sessions have been scheduled:
- “Governance-aspecten gerelateerd aan ‘cooperative compliance‘”, introduction by Kristof Wauters, 28 October 2022, 5PM-6PM.
- “Les conseillers en vote: des catalyseurs de bonne gouvernance ou des donneurs de leçon illégitimes ?”, introduction by Valérie Simonart, 25 November 2022, 5PM-6PM.
- “Mag het insolventierecht het vennootschapsrecht terzijde schuiven?”, introduction by Diederik Bruloot, 27 January 2023, 5PM-6PM.
- “Diversiteit is een onderdeel van het vennootschapsbelang”, introduction by Dirk Van Gerven – 10 February 2023, 5PM-6PM.
- “De WVV-normering inzake feitelijk bestuur: to update or not to update?”, introduction by Alexander Snyers – 7 April 2023, 5PM – 6PM.
- “Uitsluiting van de aandeelhouder en inkorting van de schuldeiser na de Herstructureringsrichtlijn: een logisch continuum?”, introduction by Gillis Lindemans – 12 May 2023, 5PM – 6PM.
Online discussion sessions 2021-2022
During the 2021-2022 academic year, the Belgian Center for Company Law organised the following online discussion sessions for its members.
- “De managementvennootschap”, introduction by prof. Niels Appermont – 19 November 2021, 5PM-6PM.
- “Human rights due diligence and liability”, introduction by Arie Van Hoe, with presentations by prof. Hans De Wulf and prof. Jean-Marc Gollier – 21 January 2021, 3PM-5PM
- “Aandeelhoudersbescherming bij uitgifte van aandelen”, introduction by Tom Vos – 25 February 2022, 5PM-6PM.
- “Ontbinding en vereffening van vennootschappen”, introduction by Jasper Van Eetvelde –18 March 2022, 5PM-6PM
- “L’attribution de la personnalité juridique à des entités naturelles comme la forêt et le fleuve”, introduction by prof. Roman Aydogdu – 13 May 2022, 5PM-6PM
- “Het intern reglement”, introduction by prof. Frank Hellemans – 3 June 2022, 5PM-6PM
PhD Seminar 2021
On the 9th and the 30th of March, the Belgian Center for Company Law organised its second PhD Seminar. Five doctoral students from five different Belgian universities presented their research and subsequently engaged in a debate with a respondent and the other participants. The seminar program is available here.
Online discussion sessions 2020-2021
During the 2020-2021 academic year, the Belgian Center for Company Law organised the following online discussion sessions for its members:
- “De vermenigvuldiging van het brood en de wijn: hoeveel vennootschappen kan één persoon oprichten”, introduction by prof. Marieke Wyckaert – 30 October 2020, 5PM-6PM
- “Heeft het zin dat juristen spreken over “corporate purpose”?”, introduction by prof. Hans De Wulf – 11 December 2020, 5PM-6PM
- “De BV als flexibele standaardvorm: speelt de BV de NV uit het veld en is de BV goed uitgerust om de CVBA te ontvangen”, introduction by prof. Robby Houben – 12 February 2021, 5PM-6PM
- “De positie van de aandeelhouder in het insolventierecht. Wat brengt de Herstructureringsrichtlijn?”, introduction by Arie Van Hoe – 23 April 2021, 5PM-6PM
- “De zin en onzin van de uitbreiding van de definitie van de vennootschap naar de “andere doelen”: laten kiemen of wieden?”, introduction by prof. Alain François – 11 June 2021, 5PM-6PM
PhD Seminar 2019
On 19 November 2019, the Centre (led by Alain François and Diederik Bruloot) held its first PhD Seminar at the Ghent faculty of law. Five doctoral students from five different Belgian universities presented their research and subsequently participated in a debate with a respondent and the other participants. The seminar programme is available here. Some photos from the seminar can be found below.
Inter-university seminars
In the autumn of 2018, seven Belgian universities organised six inter-university seminars on the (draft) Code of Companies and Associations in Antwerp, Ghent, Brussels, Leuven and Liège. These seminars resulted in two books, published respectively by Anthemis (in French) and Intersentia (in Dutch).
Seminar on the draft Code of Companies and Associations
On 8 November 2017, a new seminar was held on the first draft texts of Books 1 to 14 of the Code of Companies and Associations, which had been approved by the government in the summer of that year. The speakers’ PowerPoint presentations are available here. Their papers were gathered in a book, published by Larcier.
Colloquium on the role of the company and association judge
On 14 March 2017 the Centre initiated a colloquium on the role of the company and association judge. The speakers’ papers have been published in Le juge des sociétés et associations / De vennootschaps- en verenigingsrechter
Colloquium on the modernisation of company law
On 28 March 2014, the Centre initiated a colloquium on the modernisation of company law. During this colloquium, the Centre presented its bilingual book on the modernisation of company law.