Entries by Editor

Database CCA updated

On our website, you’ll find a comprehensive database with, for each CCA provision, a useful document containing the relevant preparatory works of the provision and of amending provisions, if any, with tracked changes comparing the different versions. We have updated these documents and included links to the preparatory works. The database is available here.

Coppens Prize – call for candidates

The Coppens Prize will be awarded for the 8th time in 2023. This prize (15.000 €), rewards a PhD in law of a European university, who is not older than 40 years and has authored, within the last five years, a thesis or work representing an original contribution to corporate law or to a legal […]

TRV-RPS (2022/3): “Rechtspersonenrecht in beweging – Droit des personnes morales en évolution”

The directors of the BCC have contributed to the latest edition of TRV-RPS (2022/3): « Rechtspersonenrecht in beweging – Droit des personnes morales en évolution ». De bestuurder – Robby Houben Zijn de blijvende verschillen tussen NV en BV gerechtvaardigd ? – Hans De Wulf Over de ‘versterkte goede trouw’ – Niels Appermont Het intern reglement – […]