On our website, you’ll find a comprehensive database with, for each CCA provision, a useful document containing the relevant preparatory works of the provision and of amending provisions, if any, with tracked changes comparing the different versions. We have updated these documents and included links to the preparatory works. The database is available here.

On 31 May 2024, the Jan Ronse Institute (KU Leuven) will organize a conference on the impact of developments in other fields of law (e.g. the new Civil Code) on corporate law. For the full program and to register, click here.

On 23 January 2024 the Jeune Barreau de Charleroi organises the colloquium “Aux sources du droit des sociétés de demain. Le cent-cinquantenaire de la loi du 18 mai 1873 sur les sociétés commerciales”. For more information, click here.

On March 15th, the government filed a draft law which would, among others, implement the ‘mobility directive’ (2019/2121). The parliamentary proceedings can be consulted here.

The Coppens Prize will be awarded for the 8th time in 2023. This prize (15.000 €), rewards a PhD in law of a European university, who is not older than 40 years and has authored, within the last five years, a thesis or work representing an original contribution to corporate law or to a legal subject related to corporate law. For more information, click here.

On 14 November at 10 AM, John Armour (Oxford) will be delivering the opening lecture of the Dieter Heremans Lecture Series in Law & Economics at the KU Leuven on ‘The Corporation as a Social Actor’.

To read the full program and to register, click here.

The directors of the BCC have contributed to the latest edition of TRV-RPS (2022/3): « Rechtspersonenrecht in beweging – Droit des personnes morales en évolution ».

De bestuurder – Robby Houben

Zijn de blijvende verschillen tussen NV en BV gerechtvaardigd ? – Hans De Wulf

Over de ‘versterkte goede trouw’ – Niels Appermont

Het intern reglement – Frank Hellemans

Belgische vennootschapsjuristen, het Europees vennootschapsrecht is onze grotere aandacht en waakzaamheid (eerder) waard – Marieke Wyckaert

Zijn de handvatten van het gemeen vennootschapsrecht tot realisatie van een duurzame economie aan versterking toe? – Alain François en Maxime Verheyden

Progressive Corporate Law in Belgium (?!) – Roman Aydogdu

L’équilibre “Liberté, égalité, fraternité” – Yves De Cordt

Une pensée qui mérite réflexion : faut-il élargir la notion de contrôle aux associations et aux fondations ? – Paul Alain Foriers

To celebrate Corporate Finance Lab’s 5 year anniversary, the KU Leuven’s Institute for Commercial and Insolvency Law organizes a conference on Wednesday 1 June 2022. To read the program and to register, click here.